Aubri @ 4 months

My, how time is flying. Aubri is four months old now! I hadn't thought about this until Casi brought it up yesterday, but we won't get to have an official five-month celebration in February. It kinda bummed me out a little.

Check out our little angel during her four-month photo shoot!

Here's one of our favorite recent pictures. All of a sudden, Aubri decided to start looking very relaxed when laying in her crib.

3 Months

Aubri, this is what you have been up to this month:
- You love to smile for the camera, which of course makes your Daddy so happy!
- You rolled over from your front to your back for the first time and you are trying your hardest to roll from your back to your front. I think you will do so very soon!
- You are nursing every 3 hours and about 6 times a day.
- You sleep through the night usually about 7-8 hours straight. You will then wake up for about 20 minutes to nurse and then go back to sleep for about 3 hours. If your pacifier comes out, you definitely let us know but you fall back asleeep within seconds after we put it back in! We love how well you sleep at night!
- Your napping schedule is getting better. You usually take about a 30-45 minute nap in between each feeding.
- You are wearing 3-6 months clothes, sometimes 6 months depending on the brand.
- You wear a size 1 diaper but I think we are moving to a size 2 very soon.
- We think you weigh around 14 lbs.
- You are an easy baby unless you want something then you can be quite dramatic.
- You love to 'talk' to us these days. You have so much to say, I just love it. You are a squealer. Taking you out is getting interesting since you like to make your presense known:)
- You have started to laugh which is so precious. I try my hardest during the day to make you laugh just so I can hear you.
- You have started playing with toys. It's fun to see you explore and learn new things daily! Everything goes in your mouth these days!
- You have such a sweet personality. You LOVE people. We think you will be a very social child.
- You went with me to bible study for the first time this month and all the ladies adore you. I believe you think Beth Moore is talking to you because you always smile at her on the DVD!!!
Daddy and Mommy love you so much! You are such a delight!

Christmas Ornaments

More and more, I enjoy unique Christmas ornaments, especially when they connect with some part(s) of our life story. Aubri also has a good foundation on an ornament collection, thanks to her Nana, PawPaw, Mimi and Daddy Terry.

Take a look.

A bronzed paci...a staple for a 2-month old. Courtesy of Nana & PawPaw.

A 2010 ornament, which actually matches a larger picture frame of ours. We put Aubri's Santa photo in it. Courtesy of Mimi & Daddy Terry.

Another 2010 ornament - we picked this one up in Boston.

A pair of whimsical owls. Courtesy of Mimi & Daddy Terry.

A personalized diaper pin. Courtesy of Nana & PawPaw.

A pair of white shoes. Courtesy of Mimi & Daddy Terry.

This ornament was from Aunt Brooke and Uncle Brian. A family ornament with all the stockings hanging above the fireplace.

Neat story here. For our wedding three years ago, Casi and I registered for some holiday china that was designed by Auburn graduate M. Bagwell. A couple of weeks ago, Casi went to a women's lunch at church and they did an ornament exchange. When it was Casi's turn to pull from the basket of close to 100 ornaments, she opened her package to find an M. Bagwell cross ornament that goes with our holiday china.

Aubri discovers some new friends

12:12 PM Posted by Rob 1 comments
We went with whimsical owls for the theme in Aubri's bedroom. It's funny how, once we made that decision, we started finding whimsical owls everywhere.

Target was the destination for two of Casi's better finds - a painting of two whimsical owls, which hangs above the changing table, and a whimsical owl pillow.

Just recently, and with no prompting by either Mom or Dad, Aubri began looking at the painting and flashing her big gummy smile.

With the pillow, I think she was more intrigued than anything, but she did "interact" with Mr. Owl and has since started enjoying his presence more and more.

Happy Birthday to cousins John David & Calder

Our twin cousins, John David & Calder Gant, turned 3 today. There was a big party up in the ATL - unfortunately, we couldn't go but we thought about them.

JD&C are, arguably, the most photographed and videoed twins in modern history. Parents Ali & Chris have set the standard for blogging and they have provided us with many cute moments. I think my favorite has to be the "John Nana" video.

Back in the summer, Casi & I got to enjoy a day at the beach with all of Chris' family. That day, I caught some Kodak moments on camera.

Happy birthday, guys!

The Week In Photos

Aubri is getting out more and more with each passing week, and this weekend promises to be very exciting. Casi is taking her to a women's luncheon at church on Saturday, I'm hoping to take both of my girls to the Tallahassee Winter Festival on Saturday evening and then Aubri will make her first trip to church on Sunday morning!

Aubri is also developing more of a personality and Casi gets to enjoy that while being with her at home each day. It's becoming routine for Aubri to provide photo ops and Casi has caught a number of those on her phone during the past week.

Here's a sampling.

On a shopping trip

Catching some zzzzzzzz's

Hey there, world!

Aubri found Frankie

Patiently waiting her turn at the doctor's office

Aubri decided that she likes Sophie instead. On this particular day, there were not going to be any pictures without the paci.

Look who's got the Christmas spirit!

What a smile!

She's always moving a hand, arm, leg, etc.

Turning 2 months old!

Look who turned 2 months old on Monday! It's amazing how quickly time has passed. It will be really interesting to see how her numbers check out when we go for her two-month checkup next week. We know she's added the LBs; we tried getting an approximation on length while she was still this morning and think she's between 22 and 23 inches long.