3 Months

January 26, 2011 4:09 PM Posted by Casi

Aubri, this is what you have been up to this month:
- You love to smile for the camera, which of course makes your Daddy so happy!
- You rolled over from your front to your back for the first time and you are trying your hardest to roll from your back to your front. I think you will do so very soon!
- You are nursing every 3 hours and about 6 times a day.
- You sleep through the night usually about 7-8 hours straight. You will then wake up for about 20 minutes to nurse and then go back to sleep for about 3 hours. If your pacifier comes out, you definitely let us know but you fall back asleeep within seconds after we put it back in! We love how well you sleep at night!
- Your napping schedule is getting better. You usually take about a 30-45 minute nap in between each feeding.
- You are wearing 3-6 months clothes, sometimes 6 months depending on the brand.
- You wear a size 1 diaper but I think we are moving to a size 2 very soon.
- We think you weigh around 14 lbs.
- You are an easy baby unless you want something then you can be quite dramatic.
- You love to 'talk' to us these days. You have so much to say, I just love it. You are a squealer. Taking you out is getting interesting since you like to make your presense known:)
- You have started to laugh which is so precious. I try my hardest during the day to make you laugh just so I can hear you.
- You have started playing with toys. It's fun to see you explore and learn new things daily! Everything goes in your mouth these days!
- You have such a sweet personality. You LOVE people. We think you will be a very social child.
- You went with me to bible study for the first time this month and all the ladies adore you. I believe you think Beth Moore is talking to you because you always smile at her on the DVD!!!
Daddy and Mommy love you so much! You are such a delight!

2 Response to "3 Months"

  1. Anonymous Says:

    My little doll!!! Aubri, you are such a happy little baby! Nana wishes she could see you more often! You are so precious! My, how you are growing! Not only are you happy, you are such a GOOD baby!!!!! I love you!

  2. Aunt Brooke Says:

    What a happy baby!!!! Can't wait to see you again!!! I love you!

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